Supporting You on Your LGBTQ+ Journey

A divergent route

Being LGBTQ+ comes with unique experiences, emotions, and self-discovering processes. In living through these unique experiences, it can be rather complicated to situate yourself on this journey.

Many LGBTQ+ individuals experience an added number of challenges, such as dealing with external and internal stigma, discrimination, and maybe even shame.

And you may rarely experience these challenges in one distinct way; and I recognize that you face these pressures from co-workers, peers, friends, and possibly even family.

Potentially dangerous roadways ahead

LGBTQ+ persons face many distinct challenges that heterosexual and cis-gendered people do not understand and come to terms with sexual orientation and gender identity.

Then, navigating relationships, dating, sex, and marriage. If you decide to have a family, you must learn to manage adoption, possible surrogacy, and the extraordinary demands of raising a family.

The extraordinary pressure of coming to terms with these things can lead to depression, anxiety, doubt, and substance abuse.

Making a safe, open, and accepting space

I’ve worked with many LGBTQ+ clients, and I can understand the nuances and complexities of LGBTQ+ mental health.

Thus, I also understand the fundamental role of creating a safe and accepting space for my clients, especially that of the queer community. In my virtual office, I not only welcome – but celebrate – difference and uniqueness.

And traveling with a friend in the passenger seat

While I’m not queer myself, many of my direct family members and friends are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Through these relationships, I’ve not only been able to better educate myself on topics related to LGBTQ+, but I’ve become an even prouder and more vocal ally.

Discrimination, stigma, and doubt can all seriously affect those who experience it, which is especially prevalent in the LGBTQ+ community.

When you feel ready, you can come into an open and accepting environment, where we can work together to move your life forward at your pace, as you best see fit.

We will start where you are in your journey – and move forward only as you feel ready.

Please contact me today: (806) 450-1699.