Sound familiar?
You’re tired of feeling like a doormat, but the price of standing up for yourself seems too steep.
You feel trapped.
There’s so much on your mind – so much you want, need to say – but you can’t.
You’ve heard the saying “healthy relationships” or the proverbial “setting personal boundaries,” but what does that mean in reality?
And what does a “good” boundary even look like?
Not exactly a “line in the sand”
A BOUNDARY isn’t a dare. It’s an invisible “barrier” between you and other people – the limit beyond which you will not go and beyond which others are not welcome. OUCH!
You want to know how to communicate strategically and set good boundaries with troublesome people.
You need detailed tools to cope with the kickback you might receive – and support for dealing with your own emotions and feelings.
It might all sound too good to be true – yet it’s NOT!
A BOUNDARY is healthy – to have a good sense of where your feelings and opinions – and those of others – start and stop!!
Setting boundaries feels unpleasant because it means we’re saying “No,” which can be difficult.
The thought of setting boundaries can feel egocentric and run contrary to everything you’ve learned.
You’re scared that you may lastingly sever or destroy meaningful relationships if you set these so-called boundaries.
Being present and sensitive toward others while remaining sensitive to ourselves takes mindful inner work – with an experienced guide.
That’s where I come in.
I’ll teach you how to recognize “healthy boundaries” and to develop healthy skills.
Knowing yourself the best you can and dictating your choices. The closeness you experience from within will serve as your intimate relational weatherglass. You don’t owe anyone your time.
Detaching from others and taking authority for yourself. Separate your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs from those of others and tell others how you expect them to treat you – both psychologically and emotionally.
Becoming aware of the warning signs. Keep your distance from those who invade your space for their own agenda.
Reclaim your autonomy and sound your voice.
Learn to speak your mind and stand your ground in a healthy way.
Reach out today by calling (806) 450-1699, and let’s get started!